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  1. D

    Congrats... well deserved victory

    Good point on our offenses... I'm not sure but they either are both "operable" (ie. Nfc championship game) or stuck in neutral (albeit your offense was obviously moving forward last night more than ours). Again, I'm hoping for a better game In two weeks but I wouldn't be surprised if the odds...
  2. D

    Congrats... well deserved victory

    49er fan coming in peace... you guys brought it last night and were the well deserved victors. :bow: I must admit, my thanksgiving dinner was horrible surrounding the TV with family with false hope that our offense would pull something out. it's going to be fun to see if you guys can catch the...
  3. D

    Niner fans here: How's the crowd at the new stadium?

    Hi, I come in peace :D . I am an season ticket holder at Levi's Stadium and have been to pretty much every game this season. I sit in the lower deck area on the home side so I can give a pretty fair assessment of the crowd. I would say that the crowd is overall 'into the game' all 4 quarters...