Recent content by Russell4Prez

  1. Russell4Prez

    What to do with Kam?

    Wait, what does that mean?! Under the table? :shock:
  2. Russell4Prez

    What to do with Kam?

    I want to add that Kam has been a strength of the defense over the last couple of years, but he doesn't seem willing to lay the wood like he used to and many teams have exposed him as a weakness in the passing game. Without the physical threat, he seems to be a pretty average SS.
  3. Russell4Prez

    What to do with Kam?

    Curios what some of you think JS/PC should do with Kam? My impression when he returned was that he put his little temper tantrum on hold, meaning it's still an issue that he wants resolved. I think we can all agree that we don't want to go into next season with the possibility that he will...
  4. Russell4Prez

    Mastermind of 2nd half offense: Tom Cable?

    Sure woulda been nice if he gave us more than two words so we didn't have to speculate whether he meant that Cable was the problem in the first half or the solution in the second half. Funny how it seems to confirm everyone's bias, though.
  5. Russell4Prez

    Pete Carroll and slow starts

    I think Carolina has played us enough to know that our strategy is to start out slow, establish the run, probe the defense, then use all of that to build a second half game plan. They know that and decided their best strategy was to attack early and get us on our heels. And, yes, I do think...
  6. Russell4Prez

    If anybody tells you lucky win?

    I have a friend who has hit three "lucky" hole-in-ones. I've hit zero. zilch. nada. But you know what? I'm just as lucky as he is, but when I'm lucky, I hit the green. My point is, EVERY team that played last weekend was lucky at times. Vikings had plenty of luck on Sunday -- they just...
  7. Russell4Prez

    Team of Destiny or Borrowed Time?

    Well, I wanted to vote for all of the above, but I forgot to include that as an option. How's that for mixed feelings? I just don't think Carolina is as good as their record. I think they are very beatable. I just don't think we can escape three games in a row like this. ...maybe I'm not as...
  8. Russell4Prez

    Team of Destiny or Borrowed Time?

    Lame reply. Looks like someone is padding their post count. Is this how one gains "Veteran" member status?
  9. Russell4Prez

    Team of Destiny or Borrowed Time?

    My emotions are mixed and I'm curious what everyone else is feeling right now. After Sunday's miraculous win vs. the Vikings, do you feel like this is a team of destiny or do you feel like we are living on borrowed time and it's all going to catch up with is before we reach the Superbowl? Me...
  10. Russell4Prez

    What's with the scatalogical celebrations?

    I don't understand why this is so much worse than the crotch grab. Why does everyone giver Marshawn a free pass on that and then jump on Baldwin and Sherman?
  11. Russell4Prez

    What is Russell wilson's current value?

    This one is kind of a no-brainer. We acquired Russell for a third round pick, so obviously that is what we could trade him for. But with Schneder's experience and savvy I bet he could trade that pick for a 4th and 6th rounder! Let's wait 'til after the Superbowl on this one, though...just in...
  12. Russell4Prez

    Hawks Revenge Tour

    Now, THAT would be awesome!
  13. Russell4Prez

    Missed opportunity against MIN

    Sheesh, obviously some history in play here..... As big of a fan as I am of Wilson, I don't think he's perfect. How many plays did they run? Is it reasonable to think that with the complexity of NFL defenses, Russell might get fooled every once in awhile? You know what the 'Hawks did on...
  14. Russell4Prez

    Russell Wilson's Greatest Strength?

    Long time listener, first time caller... I'm curious what you all think is Russell Wilson's greatest strength? His size *should* be more of an issue than it has been. There are clear physical disadvantages to being 5'10", but obviously, he is able to compensate for his lack of height in other...