Rat's latest activity

  • Rat
    Kinda funny where that tweet cuts off at the post. I clicked the link thinking he was going to be ripping on the DLine. He's 100% a...
  • Rat
    Bears D will be much better than ours. Seahawks offense is marginally better. Bears are poorly coached, but we have inexperienced guys...
  • Rat
    Rat replied to the thread My draft grades.
    Even the GMs and scouts who make big money from billion dollar franchises get it wrong more often than not. Nothing wrong with making...
  • Rat
    Rat reacted to RiverDog's post in the thread Jamal Adams whispers with Like Like.
    He wasn't very menacing in 2021 when he was healthy. He went from a record setting 9.5 sacks in 2020 to zero in 2021. Offenses had...
  • Rat
    Rat reacted to RiverDog's post in the thread Jamal Adams whispers with Like Like.
    1. He's a liability in pass coverage. 2. His multiple injuries have resulted in a tentative player who, like any other human being...
  • Rat
    Rat replied to the thread Jamal Adams whispers.
    Same. There are probably ways for him to get injured that fans couldn't dream of.
  • Rat
    Rat replied to the thread Has the ship sailed again ?.
    This team is going to be pretty bad next season, so this should get solved fairly soon. We'll get to see a lot of Howell, and if he...
  • Rat
    Rat reacted to xray's post in the thread Has the ship sailed again ? with Like Like.
    Every draft pick is a crapshoot . BTW...waiting to acquire and develop a QB last ; is assuming there is ' QB tree ' ready to harvest...
  • Rat
    Rat replied to the thread Post draft press conference.
    Don't blame him for being supportive of his guys. I also don't blame anyone who doesn't think our QTOTF is currently on the roster.
  • Rat
    Rat replied to the thread Tua's Bro.
    I'm a Big 10 guy, so I've watched quite a bit of him, and I thought he was a gamer. Honestly, I think this is a case where his name...
  • Rat
    Rat replied to the thread Geno for Cousins?.
    Cousins is excellent, but really makes no sense for where we are as a franchise. The Falcons should have tried to trade for someone...
  • Rat
    Rat reacted to ivotuk's post in the thread Pick #16 - DT Byron Murphy with Like Like.
    I think we would have went to another Superbowl with him stopping the run. He was such a monster. The difference in our run defense with...
  • Rat
    Rat replied to the thread Post UDFA's here.
    Looks like yet another year where Myers won't even get pushed in camp.
  • Rat
    Rat replied to the thread 23 Draft... A bust?.
    Derick Hall was a wasted pick. Looks good aside from that. Hopefully we'll get to see McIntosh in preseason.
  • Rat
    Rat replied to the thread Best draft in years.
    Raiders won the draft. Never thought I'd say that. If he had lost two of those pointless wins, we could have had their draft and be...