Recent content by McStain

  1. M

    Did anyone else notice Bradshaw's gaffe?

    When I saw this thread I figured it was about him choosing the Packers and Colts to win....
  2. M

    Marshawn's fine

    If it's taunting then he should be flagged. It's stupid that he continues to do it, it's stupid that they continue to fine him for it. Compound stupidity FTW.
  3. M

    It should have been PI... says the Nfl

    They also missed two PI calls on back to back plays that should have been called on the 'Hawks IIRC which allowed us to receive a punt. Sucks when it's such a pivotal call, but it seemed like the officiating sucked for both teams.
  4. M

    Carroll says Jared Allen deal still pending - ALLEN TO BEARS

    My apologies on the ambiguity of my post. I spoke for myself, not for you.
  5. M

    Carroll says Jared Allen deal still pending - ALLEN TO BEARS

    If those two are involved? Yes.