Recent content by FnkyCold

  1. F

    What will assuage the grief for you?

    I'm good knowing we faced incredible odds the past two games and played well enough to win despite all of our weaknesses. This team is exciting. They will never get over this loss and will be better because of it.
  2. F

    Russell and windy/wet conditions...

    I've discussed this with my wife and co workers. Marshawn came through in all of those games if I remember correctly. I think either the rain affects Russel Wilson's confidence or he just has trouble adjusting. I have complete confidence that he will perform well in Arizona. I'm really only...
  3. F

    Niner fans have no right complaining about calls

    Niners have been screwed on calls a lot this year. They have a legitimate bitch there. Doesn't change the fact that they've played awful for weeks and are completely irrelevant for the rest of the season. Hawks get bad calls all the time. It doesn't break us.
  4. F

    There are Whiners Then There is This

    Whining about XL is just as bad as the Whiners. That team did not get it done. Pete said a few times this year that we needed to play above our reputation and he's right. If you don't want the refs to decide the outcome of your game...score more points! This team got it done and should be...
  5. F

    Mack Strong - "I googled Cris Carter"

    I googled him too. A few things stood out. No Superbowls, a drug problem, and a former teamate calling him a "diva" that consistently put himself before his team. He may be a HOF player, but he's a shitty analyst.
  6. F

    My voice!!

    I've never yelled so loud for so long in my life. I struggled in the 4th quarter. Luckily had some cough drops handy for relief. That place last night was absolutely insane. We really lucked out with our rivals, you could not ask for better villains than the 49ers and their fans.
  7. F

    Carolina Huddle sure has a bunch of Seahawks fans...

    By far my favorite visiting team board. I saw some laugh out loud hilarious stuff on Carolina Huddle when we played them.
  8. F

    Luck was great. The officiating was the worst i've seen.

    As Hawks fans you are just going to have to get used to bad calls. We needed turnovers. Give it up to the Colts for playing smart.
  9. F

    #1 seed in the NFC

    The Saints have to play Chicago and New England. I'd much rather have our schedule.
  10. F

    Texan Fans showed some class

    I thought the same thing. The place was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I can't wait to see Bennett and Irvin in the same line up. Get well soon and God bless #72!
  11. F


    I can't think of a better back up in the league. As long as they keep the playbook open for him, he'll be fine.
  12. F

    Going to be hard to keep Bennett after this season

    Bennett should be a priority. Our D line is ridiculous this year.
  13. F

    How satisfied are you??

    Extremely satisfied. Total domination of a top ranked team. Having trouble imagining what this team will look like with Clemons and Irvin back. Opposing team injuries too....
  14. F

    Who's Raising The Flag This Weekend nm

    Like it or not, he's one of us and probably the most recognizable 12th man.
  15. F

    Who's Raising The Flag This Weekend nm

    Steve Raible or Big Low would be my picks now that Macklemore's unavailable.