Recent content by citysaint

  1. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    DVOA rank of the QB's Seattle has faced Ryan DYAR 4 DVOA 7 Scam Newton DYAR 12th DVOA 14th Luck DYAR 14 DVOA 19 Krapernick DYAR 16th DVOA 12th Fitzpatrick DYAR 20 DVOA 16 Ponder DYAR 27 DVOA 27 Schaub DYAR 28 DVOA 28 Palmer DYAR 29 DVOA 35 Clemens DYAR 31 DVOA 33 Glennon DYAR 35 DVOA 37 Henne...
  2. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    So you think that signing a 36 yr old corner off the street and who has not been in football shape in 4 months is a great idea? You're better off going with practice squad players, but neither of these scenarios would make me feel good if I were a Hawks fan. The best thing about this is that you...
  3. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    Insanity. Winfield couldn't make your roster because he is garbage. Done, Finito, Stick a fork in him. If what you are implying was the case not one other team has signed him. The guy is what 40 years old... Please sign him, PLEASE and let him play slot against the Saints you would be better off...
  4. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    Do you guys expect Thomas to play more slot... it certainly would negate his ability to roam. Regardless of the level of quality depth you guys have currently, going from fully stocked to 3 ready corners for game day is NOT good, especially against a team that loves going 5 wide.
  5. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    C'mon man, who did you guys play? Do you think that's irrelevant to the 4-0. You guys lost them last year at a time that couldn't have been better, this year your losing them at a time that couldn't have been worse.
  6. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    Well, you can only play the opponents on your schedule. but you guys have played a lot of dumpy Qb's so playing Brees might be a good pre-playoff test for you guys. When your corners were out I'm pretty sure you guys played 3 or 4 of the worst teams in the league at the time. This time it's...
  7. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    Are you comparing the cowboys defense LAST year that got torched to the Saints D this year? The same cowboys D that THIS year is going to break the Saints record for worst defense ever? Ware was an outside linebacker last year, Cameron Jordan is a 3-4 -end. You will never see Ware playing 3-4...
  8. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    How much of a "DVOA" point drop is it losing Browner and Thurmond in the passing game. This is a major major blow to Seattle.
  9. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    Why are opposing teams running more to the strong side where Bennett/Bryant and Mebane? are a virtual brick wall when you have Clemons/Avril on the weakside that are not only light in weight but overall much moreso liabilites in the run game than their teammates? Am I missing something... I...
  10. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    The majority of the Saints pressure is from a 4 man pass rush, Ryan ironically rarely blitzes. We are in the top 5 or so in several categories. Run defense is a weakness in comparison to being top 5 though. We are ranked 15th in run D, Seattle is ranked 16th really our teams are tit for tat. I...
  11. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    It doesn't look bad, but the number of pass attempts were extremely low considering. I watched the game, Minnesota's line should have been dominated. If Okung, Unger, and Breno were healthy all year and running like a machine they would have been. On minimal pass attempts they got pressure, they...
  12. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    40 Sacks on the season so far isn't elite, thats luck? And now we are playing the most pressured QB in the league, your line is back, but last week they were about as good as all the weeks prior in terms of pressures allowed.
  13. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    This is what I'm talkg about... the line is back and in the Minny game he was pressured on roughly 44% of his drop backs as well which is insane. So Seahawks fans basically feel it's irrelevant because Wilson has been pressured all season anyway.
  14. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    I agree they will definitely get better, but as of right now it's a major question mark to me. When you aren't playing games together on a regular basis there is no cohesion the game against Minny is proof of that. Outside of the spike by Wilson he had 17 drop backs, Minny had 12 total...
  15. C

    Q&A with Saints Fans/Seahawks-Saints Game Preview ...

    Your line is back healthy, why is everyone so impressed and enamored so early. It takes time for lines to gel, they were thoroughly unimpressive to me against a weak defensive unit in Minny. This will be their 2nd LIVE game together, this time against a really good D-line. What makes everyone so...