Recent content by AllergicToZombies

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    Is it time to start getting jacked about Percy?

    I'm jacked. It's unreal how quick he is. There's no tape on him with Seahawks for the Broncos to scout, so they aren't going to be able to gameplan him out of the Superbowl. Most of all, he can take a 6 yard slant and turn it into 60 yards in the blink of an eye. It's not like the Hawks have to...
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    A Beastmode Media day wallpaper for the 12s

    The Deion Sanders interview with Beastmode was one of my favorite moments of the season, odd as that is. Don't know why, but it struck a chord with me. I made a wallpaper, check it out if want to and lemme know what you think. Go Hawks!
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    Marshawn During Media Day

    I loved this interview, let the beast do his thing. I made a desktop wallpaper about the Deion Interview, check it out if you like and lemme know what you 12s think! Link below.