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  1. WarHawks

    #6 Sam Howell

    I'm guilty of this too from time to time. What is it about posting on internet forums that makes it too easy to throw normal rules of grammar out the window, especially given that so many people will see it? Is it the anonymity? Interesting .
  2. WarHawks

    Macdonald: "Geno Answering the Call"

    Yawn. Wake me up if he wins a playoff game for the first time.
  3. WarHawks

    My vision of play

    Will also be interesting to see what happens to the Ravens with MM gone. That will be almost as telling as how well he does with the Hawks.
  4. WarHawks

    My vision of play

    I have no expectations, and don't really care about our record this year. I just want to see good progress being made on both sides of the ball. Should be entertaining.
  5. WarHawks

    #6 Sam Howell

    The truth about Howell will be made evident quickly. It won't be ambiguous.
  6. WarHawks

    Official 2024 Seahawks Schedule

    Nice to see they are trying to help us be relevant again with an easier schedule. Hopefully we take advantage of it.
  7. WarHawks

    Predicting home opener

    Ive been studying this a lot, and have put together several detailed spreadsheets. After careful analysis, they will play the Yankees, and Geno will run for five three pointers and dunk a home run. Awesome. Go Hawks!!
  8. WarHawks

    Frustrating Former Seahawks

    Not former Seahawks, but those dudes throwing salmon at Pike's Place. For the love of God, there's an entire beautiful big city on the water to show, and what does tv always focus on? Guys throwing fish.
  9. WarHawks

    Steve Hutchinson?

    I meant as a player, but yeah.
  10. WarHawks

    Steve Hutchinson?

    If he wanted to stay in Seattle, he had a funny way of showing it, and he made no effort to return.
  11. WarHawks

    Chevan Cordeiro

  12. WarHawks

    #6 Sam Howell

    Sam and Geno are both similar in that we all wish both of them well, but they haven't accomplished anything yet. Until they do, all the pie in the sky projections and excuses as to why they haven't performed better at this point don't mean diddly. Results are the only thing that matters. Do or...
  13. WarHawks

    Chevan Cordeiro

    38th? Wow. His tape and stats sure look better than that at cursory glance. I'd never heard of him either before the draft. I guess that's why.
  14. WarHawks

    MJ restructures his deal, creates space

    Smart. They can't all make the team, and that gives him leverage.
  15. WarHawks

    Stealers Looking for a WR...

    Eskridge still being with the Hawks is a mystery I sure didn't see coming.
  16. WarHawks

    2024 schedule release?

    Definitely looks like an easier schedule than last year.
  17. WarHawks

    Do we have a playoff roster?

    This. Overall, it seems like we set the bar low and then we act surprised that we don't go further. Better to aim high and miss than aim low and hit.
  18. WarHawks

    Chevan Cordeiro

    His arm talent is a strength from what I've read though. Interesting.
  19. WarHawks

    Chevan Cordeiro

    Curious why he fell to us as an udfa and wasn't drafted by a team even in the 7th?? Elite athleticism and speed, accurate, threw few int's, makes all the throws, all time passing and td leader in the Mountain West. Better prospect than Rattler or Milton. Is it just because of the conference he...