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  1. AROS

    Problems with running the ball in the red zone?

    Both Chris Warren and Shaun Alexander were excellent running backs, both of whom I have very fond memories of. However, both were poster boys for running out of bounds to avoid a hit instead of trying to squeak out an extra yard or two. Some would call it cowardly, others smart. Just depends...
  2. AROS

    Shelby Harris - "Seattle is a Purgatory "

    <thread winner>
  3. AROS

    Week 17 Dec. 26 @ Chicago

    I will enjoy watching the game - regardless of what's on the line - from the cozy confines of my warm couch, my own private bathroom and kitchen thank you very much. :p
  4. AROS

    Macdonald: "Geno Answering the Call"

    Well it stands to reason if we were 9-8 last year with a very low ranked defense and not too shabby offense, that we should be a game or two better with Big Mac’s influence on our defense. I think he can get our D to top 15 the first year and to me that spells a 10-11 win season assuming the...
  5. AROS

    Macdonald: "Geno Answering the Call"

    Nobody knows if Geno can take us to the promised land and seal the deal but I don’t think anybody can doubt his leadership and character and commitment to himself and his team. We are lucky to have him.
  6. AROS

    Sonics return

    I heard IF the Sonics return, they get to retain their brand/logo/colors/history. Is this inaccurate? If so, F that. It would be like if the Seahawks left town, same deal, became some new team entirely and then came back years later as the Seattle Sockeyes or something. NOPE.
  7. AROS

    Russel Wilson presser sign off

    He’s learned his lesson. He was precisely and mercilessly murdered for his silly catch phrases. There will be no “Go Steel Nation” or some similar cringe. He got away with “Go Hawks” because one, it’s not corny sounding and two, it was all he was known for so there wasn’t any record of any new...
  8. AROS

    Week 17 Dec. 26 @ Chicago

    The day after Christmas in Chicago? Hard pass.
  9. AROS

    Fun games

    I was just coming on here to ask if anyone was watching the UFL. NFL Live runs promos for upcoming games and I’m wondering if it’s worth it. I was really pissed they didn’t incorporate the SeaDragons into the league. Especially when they had a decent and growing fan base and they were actually a...
  10. AROS

    Rayshawn Jenkins picked Hawks over 9ers.

    My fiancé and I went back up there to King County to surprise my mom for Mother’s Day (we live in Astoria OR now as of last November) and we were floored with the traffic, aggressiveness and chaos we felt on the roads. Mix in the shit show Seattle is now and it’s just plain sad. We could not...
  11. AROS

    Optical Tracking System for 2024

    I heard they have had them since 10 years ago but the problem is they can't seem to get them as accurate as they need. See RiverDog's post above...They need to change the way they are approaching the technology.
  12. AROS

    Optical Tracking System for 2024

    My thoughts exactly! A multi multi multi billion-dollar sport should utilize the technology that is available to make the game as accurate as possible.
  13. AROS

    John Randle Reborn in Byron Murphy Form

    What excites me is hearing things like this: Huard also thinks Murphy could have a major chip on his shoulder this season after not being invited to the NFL Players Association’s Rookie Premiere event, which took place last weekend in Los Angeles. The first three defensive players selected in...
  14. AROS

    Optical Tracking System for 2024

    The What Have Been game. For better or worse, I always wondered what would have happened had the Seahawks won that game.
  15. AROS

    Finally nailing the refs and NFL - DeflateGate timeline

    Not sure what you are referring to, least of all worthy enough of digging up a 9-year-old thread?
  16. AROS

    Optical Tracking System for 2024

    Glad to see this. I've been clammoring for the NFL to adopt this kind of technology for years. Take the guess work and human error part out of it. The ball either made it or it didn't. No judgment calls.
  17. AROS


    I actually watched the replay of the 2007 Seahawks/Bears wildcard. It was actually a really good game and I turned it off with 2 minutes left when we gave up a 24-21 score and lost. Before that it was fun. Can’t believe we lost to Rex Grossman. Gross, man.
  18. AROS

    John Randle Reborn in Byron Murphy Form

    If that is true I will be elated.